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balearic islands

British Virgin Islands


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foxy’s bar

Like sweet, smoky incense—the scent of barbecue hangs in the Caribbean night air. The DJ is black and muscled. A high priest draped in robes of red, gold and green. A lion’s mane of dreadlocks crown his head and drip down his back. He lures the congregants to his dance floor with Jimmy Buffet and Bob Marley. In his tabernacle they are barefoot and sun-burnt…




There is an island in the Aegean whose name rolls off your tongue with the deliciousness of honey. Amorgos. Pronounced slowly and deliberately, lingering emphatically, for a moment on the -gos. On that island, there is a tiny bakery with apple pastries in flaky phyllo that taste of mulled cider and Christmas. And you will sit in a blue wooden chair on a cobbled patio and sip your foam-covered cappuccino…




How Sweet it is...

Do you remember that day that stands out ‘cause it’s just a little sweeter? Like the day on Anegada. That begins with a leisurely two hour sail from Virgin Gorda. The flatness of the island making it visible only when we are practically on top of it. And when we step onto the dock there are tanks brimming with spiny lobster...

Travel Guide

Top Ten Reasons To Visit Thailand

Honestly, when it comes to Thailand—what’s not to love? Stunning landscapes, warm weather, crystal water, beautiful culture, and genuinely kind people. I love traveling and I love to experience new places—but Thailand is the spot that I always long to return to. Here’s why...



Journal stole my heart

With your indigo water and brown sugar sand. Beautiful people and topless beaches. Sidewalk cafes and caffé latte. Sailboats tucked into tranquil coves. Hippy markets and drum circles. Lush vegetation and cobblestone walkways. Swanky taverns and exotic eateries. Sophisticated art galleries and sheek boutiques...

travel guide

Tips for Traveling in Thailand

Thailand is known as the “Land of Smiles”. The Thai people are exceedingly kind and gracious and will go out of their way to make you feel welcome. Their hospitality is among the top reasons I love to travel to Thailand. Most locals in the hospitality industry speak at least a bit of English...



Bellamy Cay

Another beautiful balmy night on Tortola, the BVI’s largest and capital island. I open a wooden box that is affixed to a palapa near the dock and lift the receiver of an old-school telephone. I dial and inform the woman with a Caribbean lilt on the other end of the line that we would like a pick up (as the sign instructs us to do)…


Koh Hong: Unexpected Sanctuary

“Babe, I am seriously not interested in going any farther.” Long pause while he buys time... We are paddling a two-man inflatable kayak in a sea cave in Thailand. The water is still, the air is oppressively hot—thick with humidity and the smell of bat guano, and we are in absolute blackness. It’s the kind of dark that almost doesn’t feel real…




Balearic Islands

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